L'attracco (Code: 978-88-6644-285-1)

Hits: 1076 | Rating:
Manufacturer: Barbieri Enrico

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Price: EUR 10,00
Collection: Perle narrativa
: 2016
: 70 pagine
Quantity in stock: Unlimited

The stories are interwoven by the thread of psychic tension, as unconscious individual's inner fury in the wake, the sea as a projection of another world from which we all come and to which we are still destined to return.

The first part consists of Gothic mold seafaring novels, with topoi that tell of shipwrecks, ghost ships, vessels contaminated by wild beasts. The second part is a welter of projections of what lives in the soul of a man, always with a reference to the unknown vast sea that lives inside the being we call civilized and walking with us.

Ghosts, sleep paralysis, fear and allegories, but also solution and exhalation of those problems and knots that sometimes we agghiacciano and hold in the life of every day, preventing us to act, and risolverci, as captured in an eternal role of Oblomov or Hamlet.

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