Le disavventure della ragione (Code: 978-88-6644-316-2)

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Price: EUR 12,00
Collection: Perle narrativa
: 2017
: 108 pagine
Quantity in stock: Unlimited

Ten stories that analyze the existence of as many characters through their being thrown into the world, drawing the rational and psychological viewpoints and identifying the feelings and passions that lead them to act. Are people wounded in the dignity and pride by the events of life and the other, called to choose whether to succumb when confronted with something they deem stronger than them or if reacting rebelling against what they perceive as an injustice and struggling for survival. Their paths, not drawn a priori, wind through inner conflicts, loss, mental and physical excesses, anxieties and introspective analysis: some see them wandering and groping frightened, others lead them to the certainty of the final goal.

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