Alzatevi, andiamo. Meditazioni nell’ora del Getsèmani (Code: 978-88-6644-675-0)

Hits: 225 | Rating:
Manufacturer: Borelli Lorenzo

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Price: EUR 12,00
Collection: Topazio
: 2023
: 92 pagine
Quantity in stock: Unlimited

That of Gethsemane is a page of the Gospel that has fatigued ancient and modern theologians and exegetes, Church Fathers and mystics, contemporary men of culture. The defeat of a Master who came to preach love, who finds himself alone, isolated, betrayed, abandoned, vilified, mocked, scourged and killed has attracted the philosophical and poetic attention of thinkers and writers, giving rise to endless works of art.
These themes, which have been debated for millennia, are addressed here by Lorenzo Borelli from the perspective of his own particular Gethsemane, the experience of every man. In our lives, the hour of loneliness, of anguish, of suffering can sound in different ways, with different reactions and outcomes. In these Meditations we are offered an original vision of the crucial question: the acceptance of suffering in the footsteps of the Master and as a testimony for Him is defined as an act of knowledge. Human dignity is illuminated and becomes even greater in its confrontation with the event of the Redemption. The reflection opens up the hope that no anguish remains unheard, in the present and in the beyond of history (Elena Giannarelli).

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