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Il cielo riflesso: a review

From the reading of this novel emerge authentic and genuine talents as a narrator, or the author's ability to weave the strings of a narrative capable of involving the reader and transporting him to the fictitious world of diegesis; fictitious but, when wisely constructed as in this case, capable not only of captivating the reader's attention, but of constituting itself as an authentic parallel world that joins the real world and, in the act of reading, even replaces it. The novel is easy and smooth to read, although it deals with themes that are often arduous but always fascinating and profound. After the collection of stories True man and true white heron, in the greater space of the novel, this skill in weaving textures now emerges in all its fullness and richness: the novel creates a dimension where the reader without realizing finds himself living , bound by the universe of narrative invention which, when supported by the qualities possessed by Fineschi, makes the real world forget, so much its strength and vitality. To achieve this result, the author uses a dry and sober, sustained and tonally high prose, yet alien to all sorts of complacency and preciousness. In doing so, the world outlined in this work, the various characters that move there and the bonds that bind them to each other, acquire a reality of their own, intense and vibrant among the pages of the novel, which run fast for the ability to involve the reader and lead him into that elsewhere created by prose.



From the first lines, the narrative voice of the protagonist knows how to capture the reader's attention, without ever a tired moment or a drop in narrative tension comes to jeopardize the taking of writing on his attention. From beginning to end, the novel constructs a space that lives in itself, of that diegetic force that is characteristic of very few writers. As for the style, in terms of content and the analysis of the characters, the prose is marked by a separation cleverly poised between indifference and indulgence towards the subject and the characters themselves. As the protagonist accepts with extreme pain, but with equally extreme endurance and dignity, the gracious condition that is found for his misfortune to live; so his voice is always alien to any pity and patheticism; indeed it does not skimp, towards itself and others, a touch of irony that makes it, together with the other characters, a multi-faceted and complex protagonist, therefore all the more credible and authentic, as well as a careful and keen observer of the environment that surrounds him and, through the story that tells it, it returns to the reader. The attribution of a genre to this novel is difficult and perhaps even reductive; the setting in the autumn of the Middle Ages, the cultured reflections and philosophical and theological disputes, the aura of magic and mystery that pervade it: each of these components, wisely harmonized, works together with the others to build a diegetic world as much solid and complex, full of upheavals, surprises, accents and twists that equally contribute to make it complete and unique and make it so authentic and vibrant that it captures the reader's attention, lowered into another dimension; certainly fictitious, yet - as only to truly successful works it happens so vividly that it rivals that experienced daily by the senses we call real. The merit of this work consists therefore in knowing how to create, with few and precise brushstrokes or, with quick dashes of ink, a romance universe that lives its own life, tense and compact from beginning to end. A novel so compelling and well written, a sure testimony of the author's talents as a narrator, whose next tests are expected.



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