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Vor aller Zeit, Prima di ogni tempo. Einundzwanzig Gedichte zur Ankunft eines Kindes. Ventun poesie per l’avvento di un bambino (Code: 978-88-6644-459-6)

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Manufacturer: Conterno Chiara

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Price: EUR 10,00
Collection: Perle poesia
: 2019
: 74 pagine
Quantity in stock: Unlimited

Ludwig Steinherr composed the Vor aller Zeit cycle in 1996 for the birth of his first son, Ludwig, and integrated it with other poems at the birth of his second daughter, Rafaela. In 2003 the cycle was published in the Toni Pongratz edition in the guise of a bibliophile edition that was soon exhausted. Given the assiduous request of the readers, Steinherr resumes the cycle and in 2016 he realizes an updated version, a variant on which the text proposed here is based.

Ludwig Steinherr, born in Munich in 1962, studied philosophy and graduated with a thesis on Hegel and Quine. He lives as a free writer in the Bavarian capital and occasionally teaches philosophy at the University of Eichstätt. For his twenty poetry collections he received numerous awards, such as the Leonce-und-Lena-Förderpreis, the Staatlicher Förderpreis für Literatur, the Evangelischer Buchpreis and the Hermann-Hesse-Förderpreis. Since 2003 he is a member of the Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste.
The themes addressed by his lyrics range from epiphanies of everyday life and naturalistic impressions passing through intimate declarations of love to his wife to dialogue with painting (Botticelli, Brueghel, Renoir, Vermeer etc.) arriving at a bewitching "reciprocal illumination of the arts" (see "wechselseitige Erhellung der Künste", Oskar Walzel). There are frequent reflections suggested by philosophy (eg Heraclitus, Descartes), literature (very often Shakespeare, but also Dante or for example Luigi Pirandello) and cinema (eg Laurel & Hardy). A substantial number of texts compare with the disappearance of loved ones as well as with pain and cruelty (persecution, inquisition, war, apocalypse). Starting from Hinter den Worten die Brandung (2003) and Vor aller Zeit (2004) Steinherr dedicates more and more poems to his children touching peaks of "moving insistence". Furthermore, Steinherr's lyricism is characterized by the blaze of light that reaches its peak in the Lichtgesang hymn. On the whole, in the collections a religious attitude reverberates, which nevertheless never presents a missionary intent, but urges constructive confrontation on the basis of subtle and sometimes unorthodox questions.
Steinherr's poems have been translated into numerous languages, including English, French, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Arabic. His latest publications include Medusen (2018) and Briefleserin in Blau. Gedichte zu Vermeer (2018) as well as the bilingual text Lichtgesang. Light Song (2017), with an English translation opposite by Paul-Henri Campbell.

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