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Iride. L’Alcesti di Montale (Code: 978-88-6644-020-8)

Hits: 2835 | Rating:
Manufacturer: Comparini Alberto

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Price: EUR 15,00
Collection: Smeraldo
: 2015
: 152 pagine
Language: Italiano / italian
Edition: seconda edizione riveduta
Quantity in stock: Unlimited

The critical essay by Alberto Comparini, born from the demanding revision and the enrichment of the thesis in Modern Literature of the author, aims to dispel the fog dell'obscurisme which is likely to inhibit the reading and understanding of what is, perhaps , is the poetic textus more complex (and fascinating) of the twentieth century Italian: Iris, by Eugenio Montale. Through an analysis of hermeneutics, attentive to the signifier no less than the meaning, the text Montale is gutted (but never raped) with extraordinary shrewdness, assuming a color that aims to make micro-text indispensable starting point for the understanding of that which is macrotext The storm and more. Drawing on the timeless classic literature, in part by adopting a paradigm "vitanovesco" and moving in the light of philosophy nineteenth-twentieth century, the author proposes to objectify the semie hidden behind the lines "dreamed" and then "transcribed", trying, and succeeding , to decipher the mystery religion, and teologoico teogonale, which dominates Iris.

The study of opera also, as a tribute and the intentio lectoris relentless game of correspondence that has always and forever will occur between textus and textus, also aims to bring to the attention of the viewer the unusual solid as liaison between Iride and Alcestis, Euripides' heroine sacrificatasi love for her husband Admetus: the aim of the author is to demonstrate the perfect coincidence between the sacrifice of the maiden of myth and the Iris, enlightening and uniting the two extreme gestures to the warm light of agape classic.

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