...between great experience and the unstoppable force of youth, with the tradition of the magazine "Atelier" and a new generation eager to start a fire in literature and arts. Leading authors and rising stars:this is "Giuliano Ladolfi Editore".
The same passion that has characterized the work of the journal urges us to face this adventure aware of the difficulties and problems that such an operation entails, supported, however, by seventeen years of work on the texts of poets and contemporary writers, the proposals for ethical and aesthetic, as well as militancy able to activate youthful energies and to involve them in a project for the renewal of poetry, fiction and criticism Italian.
For usit does not matter the name, but the text, and just relying on the validity of the text we intend to exploit anyone who can offer valuable works to make collections of poetry and fiction intended to establish a feein the Italian literature, as well as a collection of criticism intended to break patterns and prejudices.
The company, has received acclaim from several italian newspapers such as the sundays insert of the "Sole-24 Ore","Il Giornale", "Avvenire" La Nazione", not to mention multiple and repeated certificates of appreciation coming from local newspapers in different parts ofItaly.
The call forour books, then, has played a leading rolein Reggio Calabria, at the Book Fair of Turin, Florence, NoviLigure, Rome, Milan, NewYork. And we are only at official presentations.
headquarters: c.so Roma 168 - C.A.P. 28021 - Bogomanero (No)
Phone: +39 0322835681
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