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Fineschi's prose, light and shrewd as if to simulate a narrator who speaks in a low voice, engages this time with a magnetic medieval story with dark outlines, between hell and holiness, suspended between Gothic angularity and learned philosophical dissertations.

The plot flows smoothly in the service of the author and his anxiety to face and analyze the relationship of man with the perception of himself and his image, but soon the investigation goes further, identifying in the contrast between normality and deformity a secret passage to wonder about the conflict between inner worlds disputed between light and darkness, sin and redemption, witchcraft and holiness.

In this context, the philosophy and Christian thought from Augustine to Thomas make up the flame with which Fineschi guides the reader along the narrow and dark path dotted with prejudices, superstitions and witchcraft of a Middle Ages of the soul, sliding with apparent lightness towards a possible solution to the mystery that upsets the existence of the protagonists.

That then such a solution exists or remains suspended, by reason or reason of faith, is not really important. What matters is the human questioning about the events of life and its mysteries, about our imperfections and our mirroring ourselves in them, but above all on that line between good and evil, between devil and holiness, which is not always so clear and intelligible.


When in 2010, in the midst of the maturity of a thirty-year artistic experience, among the canvases with which he cohabits in his apartment in Monza, Luca Melzi begins the drafting of what he likes to define "ink whims", he already has a clear push underlying its creation: the need to reach the essence, understood as the primordial expression of the intimate. Art is the recovery of a feeling, whether it is meant for verba or for imagines. The suggestion that animates La calla (petals of words), the second collection of the artist from Monza, is whispered by the chromaticism that is the salt of every memory. His intimate poetry, blossomed in an abandonment, now ascetic, now mystical, lives on a sensism aimed at the search for "eternal beauty", hidden among the cross-sections of everyday life.


Giorgio Anelli è un poeta che sembra sbalzare fuori da ogni secolo. Nasce a Busto Arsizio, nel 1974.

La sua vita apparentemente con perfidia si colloca di traverso alla scrittura, in realtà per nutrirla. Conosce la contrizione, la vocazione alla solitudine. La disperazione voluttuosa, il male della coercizione, i viaggi cattivi della psiche, forse l’internamento. Quanto basta per rendere Giorgio Anelli un fuoriuscito. O un poeta idealmente collocabile nel ganglio del maledettismo, in una forma nuova tuttavia, la brutalità del destino da trasformare in una biografia letteraria, potrebbe essere il senso di una vita intera. La vita di questo poeta visionario, delicatissimo, prossimo a crollare su eccelsi bastioni di idealità e purismo.

Per questa ragione Giorgio Anelli è coerentemente Imperdonabile. Le strade impervie della sua vita assumono un valore superiore persino ai suoi stessi versi ed è per una tale ragione che i suoi stessi versi ignorano le obiezioni degli accademici casomai, critica è competenza di cui non mi importa molto in questo spazio.

«You ask me, what remains.
Really, I do not know.
Maybe the worm hole
in greasy and moist soil.
The lives of the saints and the rooms of the prisoners.
The days never equal to each other
always the same minutes of suffering [...] ».

(What remains, p. 47)

If the panorama of contemporary Italian poetry seems to languish, on the one hand for the age-old question of the elitism of poets, on the other hand, for an ephemeral success of hypermarket poets, whose writing quality is of an axiomatic mellifluence but which has met with the favor of the current mediocritas, there are (exist, believe me!) precious pearls, not so much hidden, which put the lifeblood into the lyrical veins of today. This, it should be emphasized, especially by small and medium-sized publishing houses, where poetry has long since found a home.
This is the case of E sia, the work of Grazia Procino, Giuliano Ladolfi Editore, 2019, a remarkable collection that corroborates, through its elegant classicism, our thesis, according to which good poetry is anything but expired but, to whom he knows where to look, he still gives moments of excellent literary bliss.


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