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Rigamonti Giuliana

rigamonti giulianaGiuliana Rigamonti was born in Sondrio , Valtellina , where he resides . Poetry has approached almost by accident, to an inner need to find a different shape to attach notes, comments, souvenirs from travels, meetings, lectures , life experiences , study , work .
Since then I have also imperceptibly changed the rhythms of his life: the dynamism alternate idle time , took over - he says - "a consciousness of waiting, listening to the silence , the friend of all of us, never disappoints ."
Recurring themes , indeed privileged , in his poetry are the places , the better , the two poles between which spends its existence , as she herself acknowledges : " The Valtellina and a Mediterranean island where I spend the summer holidays are two poles at the ends , but similar to the harshness of the land and rooted for the dignity of the people , and therefore are not strangers to my poetic experience . Island between the Valtellina mountains , sea island of Pantelleria , perhaps nothing other than the hope of today and the remote memory that accompany the current existence : a journey towards a deeper consciousness that exalts man , and always secret hymn of the universe . "
Irreplaceable point of reference is , however, in recent decades turned the ancient Egypt and the Nile Valley Rigamonti carries out inspections and missions that are printed , they become part of daily life , substantiate the patient work of translation and transliteration . As a professional Egyptologist , specializing in philology , he dedicated himself to the translation and interpretation of the stele and literary documents of the Old and Middle Kingdom , they are authentic publications with Marco Chioffi: The stele Iunu and Upemneferet , in " Investigations of Egyptology and Coptic Antiquities " , Imola, La Mandragora , 2005 A dispatch from Mirgissa , 2005; stele of the Fourth Dynasty , 2005 tales of King Kheops ( Westcar Papyrus ), 2005 ; stela at Gebel Barkal , 2007; Anthology of literature Egyptian Middle Kingdom ( 3 vols. , 2007 , 2008, 2009, Turin , Ananke ) , text entered in university libraries and museums sector . Recently he released a collection of translations of the Old Kingdom : mastabas , stelae and rock inscriptions of the Old Kingdom of Egypt ( 3 vols. , 2011 , 2012, 2013 , Imola, La Mandragora . The first volume of this collection was the winner at International Award - sez . nonfiction - Ada Negri 2012) and Qubbet el- Hawa , the rock tomb of Ishemai , Imola, La Mandragora 2014.
The poem begins , however, to go out in the plaquette , in volumes of opportunity ( for issues of public Pulcinoelefante : Green, 1998; Genesis , 1998; colors , 1999, The windows of Chiloe , 2000; Pinwheel Bow , 2002; answer for you, 2008; Parolepiombi , 2012; Prisons , 2013) , in collections ( Postcards, 1996; Transits , 1997; Sheets blues , 1998, sun stone , 1999) have distinguished preface by Charles Bo Mario Luzi Julian Weeden , the Seventh wave , Milan has won the 2003 Award of poetry San Domenichino.
In the series of books of poetry Scheiwiller , then directed by John Raboni , comes The berry of the night, 2006: the collection is worth, in 2009, the fiftieth Superpremio San Domenichino , reserved to the poets of the First Prize winners of the last 25 editions .




Comments (0)
Lo scoiattolo. La buona terra (Code: 978-88-6644-638-5)
love and death
Manufacturer: Rigamonti Giuliana
EUR 14,00
: 2022
: 158 pagine
Quantity in stock: Unlimited
Comments (0)
Il ciliegio dei baci rossi (Code: 978-88-6644-133-5)
A poetic story of places and seasons
Manufacturer: Rigamonti Giuliana
EUR 12,00
: 2014
: 120 pagine
Quantity in stock: Unlimited
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