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Apollo Camembert: Isolato (The isolate) (Code: 978-88-6644-690-3)

Hits: 829 | Rating:
Manufacturer: Ladolfi Giuliano

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Price: EUR 12,00
Collection: Perle narrativa
: 2023
: 120 pagine
Translator: Giuliano Ladolfi
Quantity in stock: Unlimited

Apollo Camembert's first novel, Isolated, tells the story of a man who has become so fed up with city life that he holes up in a clandestine dwelling to avoid any personal contact with the outside world. Unfortunately, the outside world has a few nasty tricks up its sleeve.
We could say more, but we would risk revealing too much and don't want to spoil the fun. What we can reveal is that 'Apollo Camembert' is the brainchild (and stage name) of Eckhard Gerdes who, after writing the gargantuan The Chronicles of Michel du Jabot, began composing shorter works, namely novellas and flash fictions, such as the popular Marco & Iarlaith and The Pissers' Theatre.
We invite you to escape into Camembert's eccentric fictional world, a world you will not soon forget.

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