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Il sorriso di Lalage. Incontri poetici con la bellezza di volti, voci e cuori femminili (Code: 978-88-6644-573-9)

Hits: 528 | Rating:
Manufacturer: Beck Marco

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Price: EUR 12,00
Collection: Zaffiro
: 2021
: 106 pagine
Quantity in stock: Unlimited

From that "infinite goodness" which, as Dante says, "has such great arms", the author of this book has received an incomparable grace: the gift of being able to meet, in the course of a lifetime, female figures of particular external beauty, reflecting an - often evident, sometimes barely perceptible - inner beauty, in turn an emanation of the soul, the fruit of the intelligence of the mind and heart.
Some of these encounters resulted in irrevocable love affairs, in deep, lasting, incorruptible love and affection. Others, inevitably ephemeral, have nevertheless left an indelible mark on the poet's memory. Mature, young and even very young women continued (and continue) to fascinate him far beyond the purely aesthetic dimension. To the point of convincing him to bear witness to such an intense, vital fascination, translating his own passions and emotions into the language of a poetic narrative interwoven with evocative portraits and characterised by an iridescent variety of themes and tones, times and places, atmospheres and expressive solutions: from contemplation to reflection, from a shaded nostalgia to a regenerating serenity, from a subtle game of complicity to a limpid feeling of tenderness, from the acute vibration of sensuality to the ease of a playful self-irony.

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