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from: La Provincia Pavese, August 7th, 2013


The "dark angels" who protect us

Bianca Garavelli talks about her collection of short stories

PAVIA. The collection of short stories "L'oscurità degli angeli" by the vigevanese writer Bianca Garavelli, published by Ladolfi (100 pages, 10) is a finalist for the award "City of Fabriano" with Angelo Ferracuti ("The cost of living. History of a tragedy working ") and Gian Mario Villalta (" At the end of a happy childhood. ") "L'oscurità degli angeli" seems a bit 'an oxymoron. "That's right - says the writer-. I wanted to pull these terms, "angels" and "darkness", seemingly contradictory, to emphasize how in reality they are not angels attendance so abstract and distant from us, as we imagine them often, idealizing. I believe that angels are opposed to the very real presence that live with us, beside us.


logoavvenireA few months after the publication of the historical thriller «Le terzine perdute di Dante», Bianca Garavelli collects in «L’oscurità degli angeli» (Giuliano Ladolfi Editore, pagine 102, euro 10) nine stories that represent his career as a storyteller cultured and refined.

Moreover, to christen the young author had been a very demanding reader as Maria Corti, which in 1990 was the godmother of "Friend of Arianna," the surprising news that now fantastic figure at the opening of the book.

a cura di Luigia Sorrentino


In Prisca Agustoni poetry originated as an act of inner listening, or rather, as a result of a movement of attention, as if this ability would flow from a body hidden.

It is a state of alert, in which both the sensitivity and the reflection part to capture the smallest details which will then be transformed into images, silences and sounds. Initially, the poetry comes from a question remained open as a carrier that circulates in the air without ever finding rest.

The reflection intervenes precisely to give essential words and precise in this compartment open in sensitivity.


SchoepflinSuGaravelliFullBianca Garavelli has an undeniably beautiful writing, fluid, fast, and accurate at the same time: her last book L'oscurità degli angeli. Racconti (Ladolfi Editore, pp. 102, euro 10)testifies to the full.

Literary critic of the newspaper "Avvenire", Garavelli is the author of several novels, including The Lost triplets of Dante, a thriller that had a vast fortune, focusing on the dell'Alighieri, which is deep knowledge, having among other edited a Commentary on the Divine Comedy.

In the Dark of the angels, the writer of Vigevano has nine stories, one long and the other short. With these stories she wants to investigate the reasons behind the secret of human life, which is never as it seems, but it is far more complex and mysterious.



To understand the significance of this long story of Michele Brancale you can not ignore the numerous collections of poems that precede it: The fountain of steel (Polistampa 2007); Psalms metropolitan (Edizioni del Leone, 2009) The Pearl of Lolek (Giuliano Ladolfi, 2011) and the recent a mild breeze regime (LucaniArt Cultural Association, 2012)

In each I breathed pure oxygen, as if reading were open before me in all their clarity horizons too often submerged or hidden by the fog of indifference and habit. Almost the society in which we live had placed his hands over his eyes and at the same time he raised up the volume of noise that disturbs us every day, thereby suffocating other visions, other sounds, other voices.

The poetic writing of Michael returns them to us. It is a journey within man, his values​​, places that lives, with particular attention towards the past, the most uncomfortable, the most ignored by society, because most consider it would create disorder.

From: La Rocca


Released in Amethyst series, directed by Maurizio Schoepflin, the book of Mother Cristiana Dobner reconstructs the stages of the spiritual and existential journey of Edith Stein, against the backdrop of the Nazi horrors: the conversion to Catholicism in 1422, the entrance into Carmel by the name of Sister Benedicta Cruce in 1934, the deportation to Auschwitz and eventually death in the gas chambers on August 9, 1942.

Death is addressed by Stein with hope, supported by a strong faith, which contrasts the blue world, although they appear tough and invincible, will not be eternal and that in the end "will be the only great love."

The last part of the book is devoted to the pier that had the theme of empathy, present in the reflection of Stein from the early years, the work of Emanuel Levinas, from the common training and Husserl's phenomenology.

  1. Diario dei Sogni by Homero Aridjis winner of the Premio Camaiore 2013
  2. Franco Loi, Ladro di Dio - on CITTA' DEL MONTE
  3. L'INFORMATORE: Bianca Garavelli breaks up in nine - interview
  4. RAI LETTERATURA: Dato Magradze, civil value of poetry

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