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Andrea Giampietro ha una personalità multipla, a più facce, aperta ad ogni aspetto della cultura e, in particolare, della letteratura. Critico letterario, traduttore, operatore culturale, ma soprattutto poeta. È nato nel 1985, ma la sua produzione poetica (da Il paradiso è in fondo, 2010, a Di notte a luna spenta, 2012, da Cronache dall’imbuto, 2017, a Quasi una scorciatoia, 2020, di cui ci occupiamo in questa sede), nonostante la sua giovane età, ha già una notevole consistenza e non soltanto da un punto di vista quantitativo ma anche qualitativo, sostanziale, nel senso che già possiede una sua inconfondibile valenza, una sua cifra distintiva, una immediata ed esemplare riconoscibilità, nei termini di uno stilismo in cui si compendiano modalità operative ed atteggiamenti salienti della più pura tradizione letteraria italiana.

Ma anche se, ad un primo sguardo, la sua esperienza poetica sembra rifarsi, da un punto di vista formale, al patrimonio stilistico della classicità con il costante impiego dell’endecasillabo e, non di rado, della rima, il suo atteggiamento intellettuale e psicologico è del tutto allineato con i canoni culturali e ideologici dell’attualità, come attuale è la sua visione della realtà del nostro tempo. Si ha l’impressione, anzi, che il ricorso a tali moduli ritmici e fonologici (estranei in genere all’esperienza poetica contemporanea) abbia lo scopo di assecondare una innata predisposizione critica nei confronti di tale realtà col ricorso ad uno stilismo espressivo ironico e, sotto certi aspetti, epigrammatico, che cioè, attraverso tali moduli, voglia, in qualche misura, mascherare una istintiva e profonda affettività alla vita nei suoi molteplici aspetti, ma soprattutto riscattare e, in un certo senso, sublimare una condizione di disagio personale sia in riferimento ad una situazione di quotidiana pertinenza ed evenienza che ad una condizione psicologica e sentimentale ontologicamente presente nell’avventura esistenziale dell’uomo: «Sudando asciugo i vetri ed i calori / di quanto terso ancora non risplende; / dalla finestra accampo dentro e fuori / concerti di mosconi a fior di tende. / Sarà l’estate od il presagio tardo / di primavere od un anticipato / scompiglio dell’inverno od il riguardo / dell’autunno che stagna senza fiato. / Sicuramente un rostro di cicale / approda ai nervi e suscita l’indizio / d’un afono solfeggio che ci assale / nel guaio di stagioni, ed è l’inizio...».



Over the past few days I have been reading and re-reading the new book by Marco Giovanni Maggi, the entrepreneur from Castelnovese, who has now published three books of poetry, with several awards at important national prizes (and being an 'entrepreneur' and a 'poet' enriches both sides: since economic operators often lack the necessary sensitivity, culture and imagination, while the latter sometimes lack a healthy pragmatism and sociality). It is an original "poem" divided into three sections, which tells the story of the author's emotions and feelings - in many lines held back with great reserve, in others released with strong if not sharp expressiveness - the times and circumstances of our restless life. I will say at once that the subtle thickness of the book should not deceive: the pure text (apart from the preface by Ivan Fedeli, the introduction and the biographical note) is contained in little more than twenty pages; nevertheless they are so dense and extraordinarily rich that they must be tackled like a novel of at least one hundred and fifty pages (how? Simply by rereading them at least three to five times to fully grasp their meaning and value.) Each word is designed to correspond to the poet's inner reasons, so it has an enormous specific weight. In this regard, then, how can we fail to mention the happy intuition of the Castelno writer Pier Angelo Soldini, who wrote: "Truth comes more easily from a word than from a speech" (in "La forma della foglia"). And it requires to be patiently listened to.



Stefano Cazzato's essay "La Quasi Logica - practices of consent and dissent" (Giuliano Ladolfi Editore) has the merit, not insignificant, of highlighting precious reflections on the usefulness of argumentative discourse or on rhetoric, placing general attention what today might seem ancient or worse old but in reality is of urgent relevance.

It is appropriate to overlook the demolishing legacy of rhetoric especially by Plato, who defined it as the art of concealing and distorting the truth, with the sole aim of deceiving the interlocutors by leading them to make a decision that, without the "rhetorical manipulation ”, They would never take.

Certainly rhetoric can presuppose a deception, however the possible "manipulative" use of the word cannot, in the context of a democratic dialogic dynamic, exclude the value in itself of the word, especially in the context of a democratic regime where written and verbally expressed ideas form the foundation of the confrontation.

The usefulness of rhetoric is the essential element for a democratic theory as a deliberative paradigm of political discourse, unless democracy is understood as the art of selecting the ruling classes through the mediation between irreconcilable interests, therefore rethinking the role of functional rhetoric to political discourse it enriches the very meaning of deliberation.


SILVIA PIO (a cura)

Magie d’Amore 2.0, Giuliano Ladolfi Editore, 2020, is the new storybook by Gabriella Vergari with illustrations by Franco Blandino and a preface by Gabriella Mongardi.

You from Catania and Franco Blandino from Turin and Fossanese by adoption, how did your collaboration start?
Thanks to Margutte, who is not an on-line magazine who was, as they say, a convict of our artistic wedding.
The texts that I gradually published needed to be introduced by an illustration and so I was put in contact with Franco who, for his goodness, greatly appreciated my pen, as I did with his brush too.
A collaboration that over time has proven to be increasingly stimulating and from which a first publication was born, Volteggi. Horizons of images and words, Youcanprint, 2018, which was also presented at the Turin Book Fair and readers have greatly appreciated.
Perhaps because it is a curated proposal, but above all a little different from the usual, given that it constantly and variously dialogues with each other shapes, colors and words, combining them together.
A true synaesthesia between painting and writing, which sees several stories linked to Franco's beautiful illustrations and others arise instead from the suggestions aroused in me by his paintings.
In short, a double flow of sensations and emotions that tries to create a global art project, which this Magie damore 2.0 intended to renew, with 18 new stories and as many images.



"Simone Cattaneo is a great poet in himself, not because he committed suicide". This point of the critical biography signed a short time ago by Giorgio Anelli represents an imperative to which we should at least aim. In addition to, in full, the sign of dedication to the work. Which breaks the futility, ostentatious in addition, of sensationalism.
Cattaneo, who committed suicide in Saronno - where he was born in 2019, was an excessive poet. Where, in this case, the poetry of excess is, as Anelli rightly explains perhaps, a lightning bolt left to us by the mystery of constant clairvoyance. Cattaneo mocks mysticism. Blending the motions of reality and its, even when beautiful, extras. Without the fear of adding, from time to time, other appearances.
Another meteor has happened. And nothing will go away, on the contrary; maybe someone will one day have the courage to say that they could have better understood Simone Cattaneo's verses. But if it has not happened (even if self-criticism should come), it means that it has not lived up to the poet.


  1. Il cielo riflesso review by Stefano del Giudice
  2. Antica gara tra un cuoco e un fornaio on Corriere del Ticino
  3. La Calla, review by Carolina Borrelli
  4. Giorgio Anelli su Il Fatto Quotidiano

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