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The book Bruno Meucci (comunità San Leolino) has been presented at Gonzaga University

from Toscana Oggi del May 26th, 2013

ToscanaOggiSince its inception, the philosophy itself the question of how we should live a man who desires the good. Philosophical knowledge, as understood the ancients, was not only a theoretical knowledge, able to interpret the world, but also a practical wisdom which guided concretely the life of men. In this ideal of "good life", that is rich with meaning and value, the current also draws a current of philosophical reflection that had the merit of attracting attention back to the ancient concept of "self-care". Taking care of yourself has now become a vital necessity for the citizens of the Third Millennium, men who feel abandoned by the political, religious and cultural and struggling to find points of reference outside of strictly subjective dimension. On this issue there was a meeting organized by the Community of San Giuliano Ladolfi Leolino and the Editor, at Gonzaga University in Florence, Friday, May 17, with the participation of Marco Vannini, Maurizio Schoepflin and Carmelo Mezzasalma, entitled "Care of self. The contribution of philosophy".




the winner of


held during Salone Del Libro 2013


the one who striped from "GONNA POESIA"

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There are poets who do not seem to write poems. In their writing and their own voice they do not communicate a "literary gesture." So there are a lot of poets reading what you think here, I'm reading a poem. Others who are, so to speak, more fatal, their voice does not belong to a literary genre and even literature. Is before or after that that we are tempted to think - out of laziness or habit pseudoaccademica school - and the poetry. To lead us to wonder and to bewilderment.

Voice often worked over the years, but from the beginning blessed or perhaps cursed or veined, short of something undefined, communicates things, images, landslides, visions, kidnappings, ideas, without pointing the finger, "hey, look out! This is a poetry. "

They are popular poets and natural, which does not mean simply naive. The most popular of our poets, Dante, is not really a poet simple or naive. But in fact, there are poets among them Franco Loi, which have the virtue of saying things in one breath (key word of his poetry and his spirituralità biblical) which is the same breath that we use to say, cursing, kissing.

From "SALONE DEL LIBRO/ Le "polpette" di Saba ci salveranno dalle aziende di lavatrici?"

[...] It happens eventually find a publisher as Ladolfi Giuliano, who for over twenty years takes upon himself the guilt and the vice of poetry in the small Borgomanero: first circuendo his students and stirring them to the art of the verses, and then with some of the founding them that at the turn of the nineties and noughties was in all probability the most important Italian magazine of poetry, and finally, from a little over two years, with the translation of this publishing house twenty years experience of making policy.

Here is a new review of The Grail The Goddess and the followed blog "Curiamo Atlantideof Paolo Crea, to whom I extend heartfelt thanks to the author and the publisher! 

Il Graal e la Dea a mio parere narra soprattutto l’appassionata storia d’amore tra Francesco e il Santuario della Guardia, monumento di Ornavasso chiamato così per la sua vicinanza alla torre che sovrasta quella porzione della Val d’Ossola come se fosse posta, appunto, alla sua guardia.

Questo santuario risale al XVII sec. e, a uno studio approfondito, ha rivelato essere una vera e propria Rennes le Chateau piemontese.

Il libro, che ha le caratteristiche intermedie tra un saggio e un racconto interiore, è contemporaneamente anche il romanzo di questa avvincente vicenda di passione e di conoscenza, dipanata negli anni.

  1. I versi in dialetto di Franzin oggetto di studio a Ca’ Foscari
  2. Il Graal E La Dea - ECORISVEGLIO, March 27th 2013
  3. Rosaria Andrisani on the last book of Lina Maria Ugolini
  4. The liturgy of the minimum and the vastness of the world: commentary on the poem by Liliana Zinetti

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