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From: La Stampa - Cultura&Spettacoli, 02 Settembre 2013
Written by Paolo Di Paolo

MatteoMVecchioPozziTranslated by a few weeks in Russia, the protagonist of a film that you turn these days in Milan: Antonia Pozzi never ceases to be present - mysterious and magnetic - on the cultural scene. The publisher Ivan Linbach of St. Petersburg has just sent to the library collection Parole, translated by Piotr Epifanov. The director Fernando Cito Filomarino has started at the end of August, the filming of the biopic Antonia, with Linda Caridi in the role of the poet. A few months ago the editor Ananke has published, edited by Matteo M. Vecchio, the thesis Flaubert during his literary education, the young Antonia discussed in the academic year 1934-35 with the speaker philosopher Antonio Banfi. Just published by Ladolfi insightful Otto Studi of Matteo Vecchio on Antonia Pozzi. But what is the secret of this figure?

written by Alessandro Moscè

GaravelliCorrAdriaticoIt is an altarpiece, this collection of short stories by Bianca Garavelli that ax understood as the desire to unravel the supersensible prevail over every intention purely neo-realist and descriptive. In other evidence narrative the famous Dante scholar had demonstrated ability in nell'addentrarsi mysteries existential and metaphysical dilemmas in a web of stories in which soil and divine touch. it's called "L'oscurità degli angeli" from the title that this book highlights an oxymoron enclosed in nine stories where life shows its lights and its shadows. Why not always what it appears is what beats inside reality, as it was written.


studi cattolicilogoMaria Teresa Russo, Differenze che contano. Corpo e maternità nelle filosofie femministe, Giuliano Ladolfi editore

A small book, very well written and documented on an issue that is still burning from the American feminist Judith Butler when he published the essay Bodies that Matter. The discursive limits of sex, in which, not only the masculinity and femininity, but also the sexual difference, they were considered a product of culture, which would act always in a more or less occult power.

Even within feminism the position of Butler was not universally accepted, even by some feminist philosophies was absolved of a thought that had chosen the enhancement de! coipo female as the object of their reflexive claims. Motherhood, in fact, marginalized by Gender Theory, became the focus of a large part of the feminist movement. The Russian asks, but you really can do without a difference?




There are still those who question whether the communitarian personalism of Mounier both current paths and through what steps its ability to affect the contemporary world. In fact, there are few differences between the thirties of the twentieth century and the beginning of the third millennium, despite the similarities about the problems of the separation between the social system and life-worlds, between the person and society, loss of values​​, the economic crisis and institutions. Western culture and the very survival are threatened by the crisis as it was already in the economic and civilization of '29, which followed the Second World War.

Paradoxically, the crisis of ideologies and systems promotes the need to affirm the person and to seek social and institutional models that translate into reality its proclaimed social and political ownership.

ImperfettaEllisse An anthology of the Italian language production of Prisca Agustoni, poet Swiss Canton of Ticino (but by many other language skills, as seen from the biographical notes). A production of which is difficult to give an idea carried out with the few texts here extracts but essentially centered on the one hand on the Status of Women, the personal but also the historical (as in the collection of hay Sisters of 2002 in which the Agustoni tells life and silences Italian girls at the beginning of the last century started from the Ticino to go for the weavers in the German convents of nuns over the St. Gotthard, where there was a substantial ban on speaking the native language).

Across the cornerstone, the leitmotif is the plural dimension of the border, or the limit of the horizon as a frontier, confinement, language barrier, social, moral, such as door, even intimate, internal, mental, to cross, territory of meeting and reciprocity, such as delivery to the Other and space in which a transformation can take place, an influence, such as - add - takes place between observer and observed in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.


blanqueDeGiulia Rusconi is spoken in places authoritative. In the New Italian poets dell'Einaudi 6, for example, Joan Rosadini, while not including it, calls it "certainly promising." And in fact, the fathers (Ladolfi 2012) have a unity of inspiration hard to find in a first novel, so much so that the book has won first prize in the 2011 Young Poetry Fiume Veneto and some text, titled The other father and prefati by Anna Maria Carpi, are included in the anthology The incoming generation. Poets born in the eighties (Ladolfi Publisher, 2011). The Carpi also wrote the preface to the work before Rusconi, recognizing an underlying mood of "strong alienation towards the grotesque," but also a disorientation asking reception, starting dall'esergo "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" ('My Father, My Father, why hast thou forsaken me?').

  1. LA PROVINCIA PAVESE: interview with a Bianca Garavelli
  2. "L'oscurità degli angeli" on AVVENIRE 23-07-2013
  3. RAINEWS24-POESIA: Prisca Agustoni, Poesie scelte
  4. L'oscurità degli angeli - review on TOSCANA OGGI

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