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 Loi corriere Ticino2A chat with Franco Loi is pushed into a journey into little-visited places today, such as compassion and solidarity, the memory of the past and affection for the little everyday things, the care habits that helped to live. Strong writer and human being, born in Genoa in 1930 by a Sardinian father and mother Emilia, Loi is now one of the greatest Italian poets living, even if the language in which it expresses is the Milanese dialect, mixed with neologisms and words arrived with the 'Post-war immigration. In the library has just arrived Lader De Dieu (When God Sings) published by Giuliano Ladolfi, his last collection, sixty poems in Milan with Italian translation. a book that invites you to question themselves and slow down. "The Thief of God I am, and all those who do not adhere to the Catholic Church but they have an ongoing relationship with the mystery of things. We can not give a logical definition of the deity, but the art make it closer and feel.



(ITALIAN only)

di Mariagrazia Carraroli

In quest’ultima, undicesima sua raccolta poetica , più ancora rispetto alle precedenti, si percepisce di Abramo Saporiti l’assidua frequentazione della Bibbia che dona sostanza e sostegno alle riflessioni, alle indagini, ai dubbi e agli stessi slanci lirici dell’autore.

Una beatitudine apre la silloge :

Sian benedette le veglie notturne/ nel crogiolo della solitudine! (p.11)

e un richiamo al Libro 1° dei Re, ad Elia sul monte Oreb e al suo incontro con il Signore, la chiude, richiamo che Saporiti così traduce e attualizza :

Non nel grido squarciante/ ma con la voce del silenzio/ Dio venne tra fuoco e fuoco/ a visitare Elia,/ e con voce sottile viene a noi. (p.95)

Preview of the essay about "Sul Crinale dell'Utopia" by Vincenzo Belluomini soon on L'Immaginazione

LimmaginazioneIt is a story really happened, at least in part, as told by Francesco Belluomini in his most recent novel, On the crest of utopia. A story that involves, in parallel, two characters, a Viareggio, Eugenio Del Sarto, and a character belonging to a geographically far away, a Transcaucasian, Fiodor Leviskilyj, both placed on a scenario historically and ideologically common and rich in enzymes and contradictions, that of war and the advent of fascism with its dictatorial degeneration, in the first case, that of Russia and the Soviet Revolution and the years of the progressive "betrayal" of the starting values ​​in the second.



A book by Stefano Cazzato on the meaning of the ontology ...

Who better than a philosopher can explain what is philosophy? This is the starting point for the work of Stefano Cazzato which proposes an anthology of fifty authors here asked to give their definition of philosophy. The authors in question all belong to the twentieth century, and it is no coincidence: in this century, in fact, by coming to terms with the great ideological systems inherited from the past, we have tried to supplant that certain way of understanding and doing philosophy, the now obsolete light of new trends (it would be better to call them interpretations): In a word that horizon of meaning called ontology. Mind you, the ontology is not dead, but it is right to realize that being is no longer the exclusive subject of which philosophy will assume the contrary: its conceptual boundaries have gone so well that today it is perhaps difficult to delimit.

from: http://www.ultimariga.it


Nine stories in which life shows his secret reasons, its vibrations angelic, sometimes obscure. Why not always what 'that appears is what' that pulsates within reality. And we discover that you have never lost our poetry of origins. Even when life seems to close all roads, turn away from those we love, cancel appointments, darkening the world around us. Because like roses in December, nothing is out of time.

Bianca Garavelli back in bookstores with a new book - The darkness of the angels (Giuliano Ladolfi Publisher) - Nine stories on the intensity of life where the common denominator is, in fact, angels. Work with speed where you get to a question the original human: the complexity and depth of life. We walked to the author to let us explain a few more details about his new book.


logofantasymagThe Adventures of sixteen Coko to become archer, swordsman and learn the wisdom dances. His journey to revive the fortunes of Fortunalia and drive out the tyrant who dominates it.

 For some time, the fantasy genre is the exclusive prerogative of Anglo-Saxon writers. Recently joined the Germans, but also in our "beautiful country" there are so many writers of fantasy novels that narrate stories maybe presented from the perspective of our own and not just copied from the works of English and American writers.

To this group belongs the writer Julia Massini born in Fabriano but bolognese adoption, already author of several works, which now presents itself to those who love to read fantasy novels with the land on the Floss (2013), published by Giuliano Ladolfi Publisher.

  1. Antonia Pozzi prigioniera della giovinezza, on "LA STAMPA" 02/09/2013
  2. L'oscurità degli angeli on CORRIERE ADRIATICO 07/09/2013
  3. Il corpo di lei: DIFFERENZE CHE CONTANO by Maria Teresa Russo on Studi Cattolici
  4. IL PROBLEMA ANTROPOLOGICO on Prospettiva Persona nr. 85

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